World Building Wednesday: Technology Creation


Hey Space Cadets, I hope everyone is doing great and voted in my friends Clash of the Covers contest!  I’m still working on the Four Horsemen Anthology and hit a bit of a time snag.  Try not to shudder, but I had to do something disgusting and unpleasant…. I filed my taxes today.  I know, I cried too, there’s no shame in it!  As for the next novel in the Sleeping Legion Series, well I’ll start outlining that this month and writing it as well. I will keep you posted on the progress as I try to bump up my production speeds!  Pulp glory here I come!


Now, on to my World Building Wednesday topic!!  Onward I say!  Today we talk about how I figure out the technology of my futuristic worlds.  Let’s start with your restrictions, which is especially important if you’re writing in someone else’s sandbox.  In Boss Man’s universe there is no such thing as FTL because science doesn’t think it is viable at the moment.  That doesn’t mean it is impossible, but because of the perceived improbability of this method, he decided against using it.  Other limitations imposed on your technological development might come from your subgenre; is it space opera, military science fiction or hard science fiction.


A famous example of how this played out would be from Star Trek, where they got around the limitations of science as we know it by using warp drive.  This used Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity.  He speculated that the speed of light in a vacuum will be the same from any frame of reference moving at a constant speed. I won’t go all technical (Translation, I don’t know all of it), but basically it showed that FLT wasn’t possible.  However, he speculated that you could instead bend space-time to traverse long distances in an expedited manner.  Then Mexican physicist, and SciFy Nerd, Miquel Alcubierre theorized it might actually possible, without violating the theories of his predecessors.  Way back in the dark ages of 1994!  I mean, they didn’t even have Facebook back then.  Or Myspace, for us old timers in attendance!  If you want to know more, click the links at the bottom of this post.


When I write science fiction in my own universe I plan on running with the theory Dr. Alcubierre gave us and traveling faster than light, if not in fact, then in deed.  So, now that you’ve considered your own limitations you need a starting point.  I tend to look at science and technology as we know it and then postulate where it might go in the distant future.  This is mostly guess work, lots of technical research and some good ole fashioned SWAG!  Not that kind of swag, but a scientific wild arse guess!  Okay, quasi scientific in my case but work with me here!  This does require you to know your world so you can have the end points, since the starting points would be today. 


How do I stay abreast, well I follow several science blogs that break it down for you Barney Style.  I’ll work on collating it for you as soon as I can.  Another way I use is to pick the brain of my father-in-law, a trained biologist and my dad who’s a mechanic who understands machines.  Then I made friends with people way smarter than I, and let them prevent me from looking like an idiot.  Well, more of an idiot than normal!


To recap, basically I do some research to know the limitations I’m starting with and then I guess where things might go in the future.  But that’s how I do it, what is your process?



Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!  





 –> As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are screen grabs taken by JR Handley for use under the Fair Use Doctrine.



Faster-Than-Light (FTL) Travel

Interstellar Travel

Warp Drive

Published by

J.R. Handley

J.R. Handley is a pseudonym for a family writing team. He is a veteran infantry sergeant with the 101st Airborne Division and the 28th Infantry Division. His family is the kind of crazy that interprets his insanity into cogent English. He writes the sci-fi while they proofread it. The sergeant is a two-time combat veteran of the late unpleasantness in Mesopotamia where he was wounded, likely doing something stupid. He started writing military science fiction as part of a therapy program suggested by his doctor, and hopes to entertain you while he attempts to excise his demons through these creative endeavors. In addition to being just another dysfunctional veteran, he is a stay-at-home parent, avid reader and all-around nerd. Luckily for him, his family joins him in his fandom nerdalitry.

14 thoughts on “World Building Wednesday: Technology Creation”

  1. So, here’s the topic for discussion for all those science fiction people. The inevitable stress is, if one wants to write an epic space opera, there needs to be some manner in which people can travel large distances. You can have science fiction without FTL. (My novel New Utopia, to be released somewhere between now and the day I perish) is science fiction, but it only works because they’re not traveling in space. The question I pose to those smarter and more accomplished in the genre than I is this. How does one have an epic universe with multiple galaxies without FTL? The guy working on his own space opera is very curious.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Magic, handwavium… or teleportation? Alternative universes? Space travel with cryogenic freezing? Colon ships where the generations that leave aren’t the ones that arrive?


  2. I’m with M.L.S.Weech on this. Distances beyond our solar system are so great that you need FTL to make colonizing work.

    Our closest neighbor is 4.2 light years away, and light travels 186,000 miles per second. So, yeah, my brain can’t really wrap itself around that kind of distance.

    DH was working on a science fiction novel, and he set it terraforming a moon of Jupiter so he could keep the hard science, as he calls it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Interesting concept, he should write it! And yes, without FTL you would need to be creative. Either cryogenic freezing, which is being researched as we speak, or using the concept of the colony ship. Assuming you didn’t want to go for the fantastical with parallel universes etc.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I actually go with new science to develop the idea of FTL, that there are more special laws and unique laws to be learned out there, that people way smarter than moi learn and use to develop FTL. I don’t believe our current knowledge is complete knowledge, and that there are things humanity has yet to learn. I point to our history and how we evolved knowledge and understanding to point to how it can change in the future.

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