Hey Space Cadets, how’re y’all doing today?  I am recovering from the holidays and getting back on my diet wagon.  Wish me luck! To start the year I am putting out the call for my 2023 anthologies along with the dates. As you know, I love the short story, so I look forward to seeing what comes in.  Please tell your friends, so we get a good turn out for these works.

Title: The Monster WithinScary Monster

Cover Designer: Jamie Glover

Editor: Bayonet Books

Audiobook Narrator: Funds dependent

Submission Due Date: 20 Feb 2023

Story Acceptance Date: 15 Mar 2023

Anthology Editing Date: TBD

Projected Publication Date: Est May 2023

Revision of Rights: 1 year after publication, then anthology will be pulled out of KU and non-exclusive rights return to author.

Payment: The royalties will be split equally after we’ve earned back the overhead (book cover, audiobook, etc), with 2% going to the publishing company.

Requirements: 6,000 – 10,000 words – an original, unpublished story. All stories must be in a final edited state.

Publisher: Bayonet Books Publishing

 Concept: A short story set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland with a theme of the monster within. These can be science fiction or fantasy, but they need to have plenty of action and adventure to keep the reader turning the page. Lots of probing questions are expected, with plenty of room for things to go belly up.

We will be accepting a limited number of submissions via open call. Please submit stories in Word (.doc or .docx are both fine), 12pt Times New Roman, double spaced, with a single space after periods. Indicate a scene break with three asterisks, centered, with a space in between, like this: *** Nothing else! Preface your story with your name, the title, your email address, and the word count as well as a short blurb and short bio.

If your story is chosen, we will send you a contract that spells out all of these details. Once the rights revert to you, we’ll pull the eBook out of Kindle Unlimited, however, they’ll still be available in both eBook and paperback.

Please send all submissions to Bayonet Books Publishing at this email address:

The subject line should have The Monster Within story submission followed by your name: ex: The Monster Within story submission, Bill Author.

Again, please preface your story with your name, the title, your email address, and word count. All of this makes your story easier to read, then quickly format for publication. Also, a short blurb and bio for your story.


Title: Patient Zero: Outbreakzombie

Cover Designer: Jamie Glover

Editor: Bayonet Books

Audiobook Narrator: TBD

Submission Due Date: 12 Apr 2023

Story Acceptance Date: 1 May 2023

Anthology Editing Date: TBD

Projected Publication Date: Est July 2023

Revision of Rights: 1 year after publication, then anthology will be pulled out of KU and non-exclusive rights return to author.

Payment: The royalties will be split equally after we’ve earned back the overhead (book cover, audiobook, etc), with 2% going to the publishing company.

Requirements: 6,000 – 10,000 words – an original, unpublished story. All stories must be in a final edited state.

Publisher: Bayonet Books Publishing

 Concept: A short story inspired by Zombies! Science fiction or fantasy are fine, but we want plenty of action and adventure. Have the world looks when filled with Zombies.

We will be accepting a limited number of submissions via open call. Please submit stories in Word (.doc or .docx are both fine), 12pt Times New Roman, double spaced, with a single space after periods. Indicate a scene break with three asterisks, centered, with a space in between, like this: *** Nothing else! Preface your story with your name, the title, your email address, and the word count as well as a short blurb and short bio.

If your story is chosen, we will send you a contract that spells out all of these details. Once the rights revert to you, we’ll pull the eBook out of Kindle Unlimited, however, they’ll still be available in both eBook and paperback.

Please send all submissions to Bayonet Books Publishing at this email address:

The subject line should have Zombies story submission followed by your name: ex: Zombies story submission, Bill Author.

Again, please preface your story with your name, the title, your email address, and word count. All of this makes your story easier to read, then quickly format for publication. Also, a short blurb and bio for your story.


Title: TBDmech

Cover Designer: Jamie Glover

Editor: Bayonet Books

Audiobook Narrator: TBD

Submission Due Date: 15 June 2023

Story Acceptance Date: 3 July 2023

Anthology Editing Date: TBD

Projected Publication Date: Est Sep 2023

Revision of Rights: 1 year after publication, then anthology will be pulled out of KU and non-exclusive rights return to author.

Payment: The royalties will be split equally after we’ve earned back the overhead (book cover, audiobook, etc), with 2% going to the publishing company.

Requirements: 6,000 – 10,000 words – an original, unpublished story. All stories must be in a final edited state.

Publisher: Bayonet Books Publishing

 Concept: A short story inspired by a military science fiction with a futuristic tank or mech theme. This should be science fiction with plenty of action and adventure. Lots of probing questions are expected, with plenty of room for things to go belly up.

We will be accepting a limited number of submissions via open call. Please submit stories in Word (.doc or .docx are both fine), 12pt Times New Roman, double spaced, with a single space after periods. Indicate a scene break with three asterisks, centered, with a space in between, like this: *** Nothing else! Preface your story with your name, the title, your email address, and the word count as well as a short blurb and short bio.

If your story is chosen, we will send you a contract that spells out all of these details. Once the rights revert to you, we’ll pull the eBook out of Kindle Unlimited, however, they’ll still be available in both eBook and paperback.

Please send all submissions to Bayonet Books Publishing at this email address:

The subject line should have Mech story submission followed by your name: ex: Mech story submission, Bill Author.

Again, please preface your story with your name, the title, your email address, and word count. All of this makes your story easier to read, then quickly format for publication. Also, a short blurb and bio for your story.


Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!



->As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are screen grabs taken by JR Handley for use under the Fair Use Doctrine.

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Published by

J.R. Handley

J.R. Handley is a pseudonym for a family writing team. He is a veteran infantry sergeant with the 101st Airborne Division and the 28th Infantry Division. His family is the kind of crazy that interprets his insanity into cogent English. He writes the sci-fi while they proofread it. The sergeant is a two-time combat veteran of the late unpleasantness in Mesopotamia where he was wounded, likely doing something stupid. He started writing military science fiction as part of a therapy program suggested by his doctor, and hopes to entertain you while he attempts to excise his demons through these creative endeavors. In addition to being just another dysfunctional veteran, he is a stay-at-home parent, avid reader and all-around nerd. Luckily for him, his family joins him in his fandom nerdalitry.

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