WARRIOR WEEKEND: Sandra J. Yearman

Hello, Space Cadets! Today, I wanted to introduce you to another author from my WARRIOR WEEKEND INTERVIEW SERIES.  I am knee deep in rewrites on book four of my Sleeping Legion series.  I really hate all that red ink.  Other than that all is moving along well in my life.  They figured out most of what was up with my wife – now they just have to figure out the treatment.  The only other thing on the agenda is to take my son out tomorrow to see the eclipse – since I have nothing else to add lets talk about today’s featured veteran.  We are talking to author Sandra J. Yearman.

Sandra YearmanSandra J Yearman is a native of Wisconsin, where she currently resides. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism. Sandra was a member of the United States Army Reserves for over twenty years. She retired from the Dane County Sheriff’s Office in Madison Wisconsin as a sergeant.
Sandra is a cancer survivor. And it is on this journey that she says she found her voice and began to write. She established Seraphim Publishing LLC in 2008. Sandra has spent decades supporting and working with rescued domestic animals.

Sandra J Yearman Works

   Sandra J Yearman was born in Baraboo, WI. Her parents moved to Madison, WI within the following three years. Sandra attended Herbert Schenk Grade School, La Follette High School and the University of Wisconsin all in Madison. Sandra earned a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree in Journalism and later obtained an Associate’s Degree in Police Science at the Madison Area Technical College.  She joined the United States Army Reserves in 1975 and retired in 2002.

Sandra wrote her first book at the age of eight and in her words, “I was not a child prodigy. The book was awful.” But the desire to write burned within her for decades. Sandra had story lines and characters running wild in her mind for years, but it wasn’t until she was undergoing cancer treatments that she took the time to write down the stories that filled her imagination.

Armada of the Dead“Writing was an interesting journey for me,” stated Sandra. “I am a very organized person and initially tried to make the stories follow detailed outlines. This method of writing just did not work for me because the stories lacked life. Then one night as I sat before the computer, I can’t really explain it well but it was like my ego took a back seat in my mind and the characters came forward. I found myself using a very different method for writing and not only did I enjoy the writing more but the stories came alive.”

Sandra returned to work but a year later had another cancer-related surgery that developed complications. These complications forced her to retire from the Dane County Sheriff’s Office in 2013 after 23 years of service. Once Sandra retired she worked preparing her many manuscripts for publication.

“I’ve had a number of people ask me if my characters represent specific people. All of my characters are composites of people I have encountered in my travels and life experiences. Until I started writing I didn’t realize how rich my life has been,” said Sandra.

Sandra started writing books of poetry then transitioned to novels. All of her books are available on Amazon.com.

Without further ado, let’s get this interview cranking!

Tell me a little about your military service? A Single Lion Roars

I enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserves in 1975 and performed basic training at Fort Jackson, SC. I did AIT at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis where I obtained the MOS of Public Information Specialist. During my military career, I earned the following MOS’s; Food Service Sgt, Admin NCO, Admin Spec, Admin/Logistics NCO.

How do you feel that your military service has influenced your writing?

To this date, I have written two uniquely different series. One is poetry. I have a distinct style and write about the human condition. The novel series is named The Warrior Series. These stories take place in a fictional world but a world that deals with the same issues, fears and concerns as ours. As the name implies, I write about warriors. My military training, my training as a police officer, my travels and life experiences greatly influence these stories.

Brother KingsDo you think your military service, and more specifically your training, adds to the realism in your books?  If so, how?

My stories are character driven, and I try to make them relatable to the readers. War is complicated. There are many battles in The Warrior Series, and I try to take the reader on journeys, so they experience the emotions and fears of the men and women on the battlefields.

When did you start pursuing your writing more seriously?

I was a closet writer my entire life. I have written feverously my entire life, but I never showed anyone my manuscripts until I was stricken by cancer and had more time to really work on them. I suppose battling cancer made me overcome my fears and I started sending some of my manuscripts out for critique. The responses I received made me realize I could pursue my dream of being a serious writer.

How many of your characters were inspired by your military service?

While my characters are composites, many of them share some common traits such as courage and integrity. I was proud to serve in the military and proud of the people I served with.

If you could serve with any of your characters, who would it be and why?Politians and Kings

General Claudius would be the character I would follow into battle.  He is a good and intelligent man who is hardened by his experiences.

If you would want to avoid serving with any of your characters, who would it be and why?

King Roch. He is a murderous tyrant.

What are you currently working on and when do you expect it to be ready for publication?

I am currently working on several manuscripts in The Warrior Series. The next to be published is The Eyes Below. If all goes as scheduled, it will be released before the end of August 2017.

I write about warriors; men and women who rise above the rest. Men and women who overcome their fears with courage and integrity. While some of my characters may seem like super heroes, the real life men and women who risk their lives every day to protect and to serve us are truly super heroes. Please support your warriors. There are a variety of worthwhile organizations that need financial support and/or volunteers. Visit a hospital, send a card, say a prayer.

How can people find you?

  1. Amazon: Amazon.com/author/sandrajyearman
  2. E-Mail: sjy@frontier.com
  3. Facebook: Sandra J Yearman/Seraphim Publishing
  4. Twitter: @sandrayearman
  5. Website: sandrajyearman.com

Author Page

If this convinced you to find out more, look up Sandra J. Yearman.  I hope you all had a great time getting to know about Sandra J. Yearman.  Don’t be afraid to say hello here or on her website.  If she doesn’t respond quick enough, glitter bomb her!  Mwahahaha!!


Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!



->As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are screen grabs taken by JR Handley for use under the Fair Use Doctrine.


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