Tales of Sales

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Hey Space Cadets, how’re y’all doing today? I wanted to share another blog post where I mention some amazing sales for your burgeoning TBR List. These titles are ones worth checking out, books I own myself. I haven’t read all of them, but they piqued my interest enough to buy them! As usual, please be kind and speak your mind on the reviewing platforms if you check out the books! Seriously, GoodReads and Amazon have spaces where you can shout your thoughts to the world!

Word of Warning: These sales are too good to last forever, so act now before it’s too late!


Dropship: A Near Future Thriller (Forsaken Mercenary Series) by Jonathan Yanez

$0.99 USD


Absolution: A Near Future Thriller (Forsaken Mercenary Series) by Jonathan Yanez

$0.99 USD


Fury: A Near Future Thriller (Forsaken Mercenary Series) by Jonathan Yanez

$0.99 USD


Spacers by Scott Bartlett

$0.99 USD


Resistance (Black Talon Series) by Chris Winder

$0.99 USD


Liberty Station (The Humanity Unlimited Saga) by Terry Mixon

$0.99 USD


Shockwave (Star Kingdom Series, Bk1) by Lindsay Buroker

$0.99 USD


Wholesale Slaughter: (Wholesale Slaughter Book 1) by Rick Partlow

$0.99 USD


Horizons Beyond: A Keystroke Medium Anthology

$0.99 USD


Fire At Will: A Space Opera Adventure (Far Beyond Book 1) by Christian Kallias

$0.99 USD


The Magitech Chronicles Quadrilogy by Chris Fox

$0.99 USD


Rumors of War (Cadicle Vol. 1-3): An Epic Space Opera Series by A.K. DuBoff

$0.99 USD


Rise Of Mankind: The Complete Series (Books 1-10) by John Walker

$0.99 USD


The Vigilante Chronicles Omnibus by Michael Anderle & Natalie Grey

$0.99 USD

Renegade Star by JN Chaney

$0.99 USD


Animas Boxed Set (Books 1-4) by Michael Anderle & Joshua Anderle

$0.99 USD


Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!



->As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are screen grabs taken by JR Handley for use under the Fair Use Doctrine.