TV Series Review: Stargate Atlantis

Hey Space Cadets, how’re you doing? I’m doing good, I’ve been enjoying my summer with my sons and walking around the lake near my house. Okay, it’s a city drainage pond, but that doesn’t sound like something Walden would approve of, now does it?  I mean, you wouldn’t want Henry or Ralph mad at you, would you? Okay, jokes aside… I’ve been writing and stacking books for the publishing stuff, and I have some stuff with publishers. And finally, I’ve been binge watching science fiction series with my sons. More specifically, the five seasons of Stargate Atlantis. Continue reading TV Series Review: Stargate Atlantis

Movie Review: The Osiris Child

The Osiris Child

Hey Space Cadets, here is the second installment in a new series of science fiction movie reviews. Being snowed in early January gave me time to watch new movies, eat some popcorn and just enjoy my family. I’m still writing, and I’ll have more news on that soon. I’ve started recording my new Sci-Fi Shenanigans Podcast with my friend Chris Winder, and we’re already on episode six! In addition to more family time, I’ve fought off the winter blues by writing more and geeking out over the Heavy Falcon launch.  In case you missed it, The Sleeping Legion Series has wrapped up and you can buy it on Amazon. The final audio-book for Insurgency: Spartika is in the works, and then you can enjoy every one of my stories in audio-book, paperback, or eBook! Seriously people, we’re talking the first week of March!


Continue reading Movie Review: The Osiris Child