Book Review: The Renegade Star Series

Hey Space Cadets, I hope this blog post finds you well. I’m doing well – still working on getting healthy.  I am also dragging my boys with me.  I am still working on my super-secret project with J. R. Ward.

I wanted to repost this book review of a series I really enjoyed.  I hope you enjoy it. Continue reading Book Review: The Renegade Star Series

Book Review: Alien Days


Hey Space Cadets, how is everyone doing today? In May 2019 I had a short story published in the Alien Days Anthology. The story was co-written with Corey Truax, my former editor. It was a lot of fun to write, so I hope you enjoyed it! I wanted to take a second and share a book review of that story! Click the link here to read fellow military veteran and author MLS Weech’s review. Continue reading Book Review: Alien Days

Book Review: The Last Full Measure

Hey Space Cadets, here is the next installment in my series of book reviews. I wish I had a lot to tell you, update wise, but I’m busy diving into my next project. Instead, here’s a look at what Continue reading Book Review: The Last Full Measure

Book Review: Mother Ship


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Hey Space Cadets, I hope this blog post finds you well. I’m doing well, which is better than I deserve! Before you dive into my review of this novel, let me tell you why I write them, and you should too! These book reviews help the right readers find the right books. They let you, the consumer, tell the author what you think of their books and improve their craft. It helps your fellow Continue reading Book Review: Mother Ship

Book Review: Burning Nation

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Hey Space Cadets, here is the next installment in my series of book reviews. I wish I had a lot to tell you, update wise, but I’m busy diving into writing my next novel. Instead, here’s a look at what I’ve been reading on my daily walks. To streamline the review process and make writing them less onerous, I have tried a more abbreviated format. Please be sure to share your Continue reading Book Review: Burning Nation

Book Reviews Matter

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Hey Space Cadets, how’s everyone  doing? I hope that this post finds you well and thriving during the Age of the Great Lockdown! Things are going well here at Fort Handley, the homeschooling saga continues and now we add mowing the yard to the daily list of chores. But hey, my garden is in and maybe we’ll eat some of what I’ve grown later this summer! Continue reading Book Reviews Matter

Book Review: Retribution (Galaxy’s Edge Book 9)

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Hey Space Cadets, here is the final installment in my series of Galaxy’s Edge book reviews. Well, the first season anyway! There are more side stories to explore and explore them I will! Sorry for the dead blog lately, I’ve been super busy finishing some real-life things, dealing with health insurance and the like, but I still made time to read Continue reading Book Review: Retribution (Galaxy’s Edge Book 9)

Book Review: The Lost Fleet Series

Hey Space Cadets, I hope this blog post finds you well. I’m doing well, making headway in my projects. But enough of that, let’s look at some other books in the military science fiction genre! So, without further ado, here is the next installment in my series of book reviews. However, because I got so into this series, I forgot to write individual reviews. Instead, I’ll be writing a review of the entire series. Continue reading Book Review: The Lost Fleet Series

Book Review: The Renegade Star Series

Hey Space Cadets, I hope this blog post finds you well. I’m doing well, making headway into the next book in The Reservist Trilogy, which is a part of the larger Order of the Centurion Series. I have no clue about publishing schedules, but that’s the rub when you work with larger publishing empires like the fine folks at Galaxy’s Edge. In the meantime, let’s look at some other books in the space opera Continue reading Book Review: The Renegade Star Series

Breach Team Sale

Hey Space Cadets!  How are you surviving the virus? We are surviving the virus – don’t know about the homeschooling the kids – that I just might not survive.  Anywho, on to more interesting things. Continue reading Breach Team Sale