Tales of Sales: Storming Area 51, A Bayonet Books Anthology

Hey, Space Cadets, you stalwart survivors of social distancing and cabin fever! I hope you’re still surviving this quarantine.  How’s homeschooling going?  As for us, it sucks – there is a reason I’m not a teacher. But enough about that, today I’m hiding from the kids to pass on some literary escapism. I’m taking this non-sanctioned break to tell you about an amazing sale.  Storming Area 51 is on sale from April 24th through May 1st, it starts at $.99 and works back to the regular price. The sooner you buy, the cheaper it is.  I hope you all enjoy.


Continue reading Tales of Sales: Storming Area 51, A Bayonet Books Anthology

Title: Tales of Sales, Day 2

Hey Space Cadets, I hope you’re having an awesome day! I’m doing great and have some amazing news to share with you! My anthology, Backblast Area Clear, A Mil SF Anthology, is on sale for $0.99. It’s a countdown deal, so get it while it’s hot because this price won’t last long! Continue reading Title: Tales of Sales, Day 2