Marine Monday: Magnetizer


Hey Space Cadets, how’s everyone doing on this fine Marine Monday?  For my weekly plug – check out my Sleeping Legion Series if you haven’t already read the books.  I had 6357759479_1cfff1918asome trouble meeting up with my source – it was touch and go finding a place that was secure.  Fortunately we found one.

So on to our bio from our friendly neighborhood LegionLeak source, this week we have the official bio of Magentizer.  Remember, destroy this message after reading it so the anonymous source can live long enough to continually feed us excellent intelligence!  Without further ado, here is the leaked document!

Continue reading Marine Monday: Magnetizer

Marine Monday: Petra ip Daiyna of the Dark Gorge Clan


Hey Space Cadets, how’s everyone doing today?  Check out my Sleeping Legion Series if you haven’t already read the books.  My family is getting ready to celebrate tomorrow with family.  I hope you all have a great 4th of July.

Continue reading Marine Monday: Petra ip Daiyna of the Dark Gorge Clan

Marine Monday: Teon Roca-Bonga


Hey Space Cadets, how’s everyone doing today?  My Sleeping Legion Series is still selling, which makes me happy.  I again met with my LegionLeak source – I thought I had been followed there for a minute – fortunately it was a false alarm.  So for Marine Monday, today we have Teon Roca-Bonga’s official bio.

Continue reading Marine Monday: Teon Roca-Bonga

Marine Monday: Marchewka


Hey Space Cadets, how’s everyone doing today?  I am taking a minute to escape my writing cave to send you this update – a little break from my next book in the Sleeping Legion Series shouldn’t hurt right?

So on to our regularly scheduled Marine Monday! Today I was leaked, by our friendly neighborhood LegionLeak source, the official bio of Marchewka.  Remember, destroy this message after reading it so the anonymous source can live long enough to continually feed us excellent intelligence!  Without further ado, here is the leaked document!



Hopefully you enjoyed this sneak peek into a certain special Marine’s official record.  If you did, stay tuned for next weeks as we anxiously wait for the latest documents smuggled our way!


Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!





–> As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are screen grabs taken by JR Handley for use under the Fair Use Doctrine.

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Marine Monday: Folta ip Daiyna


Hey Space Cadets, how’s everyone doing today?  I am permanently glued to my desk chair!  Still working on my next book in the Sleeping Legion Series.

So on to our regularly scheduled Marine Monday! Today I was leaked, by our friendly neighborhood LegionLeak source, the official bio of Folta ip Daiyna.  Remember, destroy this message after reading it so the anonymous source can live long enough to continually feed us excellent intelligence!  Without further ado, here is the leaked document!


Hopefully you enjoyed this sneak peek into a certain special Marine’s official record.  If you did, stay tuned for next weeks as we anxiously wait for the latest documents smuggled our way!


Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!





–> As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are screen grabs taken by JR Handley for use under the Fair Use Doctrine.

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Marine Monday: Hayley Mason


Hey Space Cadets, how’s everyone doing today?  Things are getting better here – my wife is getting better, she can even drive in the mornings now!  Other than that, I am working hard writing the next book in the series.

So on to our regularly scheduled Marine Monday! Today I was leaked, by our friendly neighborhood LegionLeak source, the official bio of Hayley Mason.  Remember, destroy this message after reading it so the anonymous source can live long enough to continually feed us excellent intelligence!  Without further ado, here is the leaked document!



Hopefully you enjoyed this sneak peek into a certain special Marine’s official record.  If you did, stay tuned for next weeks as we anxiously wait for the latest documents smuggled our way!


Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!





–> As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are screen grabs taken by JR Handley for use under the Fair Use Doctrine.

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RavenCon AAR


Hey Space Cadets, I hope you’re doing well!  I just returned from RavenCon, where I spent the weekend.  I thought it would be helpful to give an AAR (After Action Review) of the convention, since I did the same thing last year.  After the convention ended, I spent a night in the hotel with my lovely bride and we enjoyed some time without the kids because we both have the world’s best parents!  A leisurely breakfast, a road trip home and then I got to tackle life at home.  Somehow, whenever the wife packs for anything my house looks like someone dropped a bomb on it.  Now that the adventure is done, it’s time to jump deep into the writing trenches and write book four of the Sleeping Legion Series.  If you missed it, Operation Breakout was published last week, go check it out!


Hotel: Overall, the hotel facilities for the convention were clean and well maintained.  Our rooms were clean, spacious and the bed was comfortable.  Had to talk my wife out of kidnapping the mattress.  Unfortunately, the staff left something to be desired.  I missed two panels sorting out my room, not because they lost my reservation but they just didn’t clean the room before our arrival.  We got there at 1PM and finally checked in by 4PM.  I missed the first panel, got my wife into the room and resting before I then went to the classes I’d planned on attending.  Then I snuck out of the opening ceremonies and carried in our luggage before my wife and I went down to order dinner from their restaurant.  The food was good, though we waited an hour for it to arrive.  Another panel missed.  Overall, at the rates I paid I would expect more.  Since I didn’t reserve my room in time, I paid full price for my suite and expected better.  I guess I thought the name Hilton meant the hotel staff would be nicer.  Oh well, I only have to go to this hotel once a year for RavenCon.


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Con Organization: These guys were like a well-oiled machine and I was thoroughly impressed.  They could teach some militaries a thing or two about logistics!  I was impressed, the attendees seemed to be impressed and the overall experience was enjoyable.  They arranged several classes with the famous Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon, arranged for other interesting guests and panelists, and put out one heck of a spread in the Con Suite.  If conditions permit, I would attend RavenCon again. Seriously, it was a top-notch performance.


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Panels:  I have to be honest, when I attended RavenCon in 2016 the whole shebang was so helpful to me as a yet unpublished author.  I believe that it has helped me reach the level of success I’ve had so far, and taught me a lot.  I went this year expecting the same, but I’m not the same writer I was a year ago.  The panels were still great; however, they didn’t do it for me.  I was past the point with writing where they could offer me what I needed.  The convention offers you a wide range of options; editing, marketing, social media, world building and so much more.  All seemed focused on the writing, or the fandoms.  I also saw the difference an awesome moderators can make on a panel.  Some of the more successful panel moderators I saw were; Chris Kennedy, Mark Wandrey, Nancy Northcott, and Charity Ayers.  I was able to contrast this against some of the less adept panel moderators, who made efforts but couldn’t corral the shenanigans of the outgoing panelists.


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Cos Play: My goodness, the amount of awesome costumes this year was unbelievable.  I won’t gush too much, but just check out some of these pictures!  I couldn’t capture all of them, because I only took pictures if the person consented.


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Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!




–> As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are used on the Fair Use Doctrine.



RavenCon Schedule


Hey Space Cadets, just a quick update on my comings and goings.  I wanted to let you know that I’ll be attending RavenCon this weekend, as a regular guest like you, so if you’re there say hi!  This is my tentative schedule of classes, all of which I hope will help me grow as an author.  If you happen to be in the Williamsburg, Virginia area stop in and say hi!

RavenCon FridayRavenCon SaturdayRavenCon Sunday




Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!




–> As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are used on the Fair Use Doctrine.


SciFy Shenanigans: Raven Oak


Hey Space Cadets, how’s everyone doing today?  I’m doing amazing, busy taking care of my wife as she recovers from her concussion post-accident.  Sorry I didn’t post my blog yesterday, but I was exhausted and just forgot. I’m getting back on the writing horse and if I can swing a measly 15k words this month I’ll call it a win!  One final note before we delve deep into the forest of Raven Oak’s writing interview, I’ll be attending RavenCon at the end of the month.  If you’re there, look for the fat guy that looks like Santa shaved his beard!


Now, let’s get right to the point of my latest blog posting!  Yes, I’ve gotten bit by the interview bug!  That being said – here is the next installment of SciFy Friday!  I put my weed whacker to work and found Raven Oak!  Now grab your popcorn and enjoy the ride!


Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of All Ages,……


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First, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?

I’m a bestselling science fiction and fantasy author best known for Amaskan’s Blood (2016 EPIC Awards & Ozma Awards Finalist) and Class-M Exile. I’ve got several short stories in anthologies like Untethered: A Magic iPhone Anthology and Magic Unveiled. I spent most of my K-12 education doodling stories and 500 page monstrosities that are forever locked away in a filing cabinet. When I’m not writing, I’m gaming, indulging in cartography, or staring at the ocean. I’m also a former public school teacher and live in the Seattle area with my husband (he works for Bungie) and our three kitties who enjoy lounging across my keyboard when I’m working. Like right now. G93he-wjew.


Well hopefully your editing guru can help translate the cat’s writing back into English!  Until then, you’ll just have to persevere! What is something people would be surprised to know about you?

I was a music composition & theory major in college before I changed majors to English/education. And just to throw another topic into the mix, my Master’s is in computers. I also had my first graphic design job at fifteen, so I have a varied background in many different fields outside of writing.


I’ll go out on a limb and assume that if you write books you also enjoy reading them.  What other genres do you enjoy reading, and how have they affected your writing?

I read most widely in speculative fiction, which influenced me the most growing up. The idea of what-if and why made my brain buzz. I didn’t like that the adults around me couldn’t answer those “big life” questions such as “Why are we here?” and “What if magic used to exist?” Okay, maybe that last one isn’t such a big life question, but still—my childhood self wanted to know! SF/F not only allowed me but it encouraged me to think outside the box and ask every question I could think of.

Outside of spec-fic, I read a lot of mystery and mythology. I read some general or popular fiction, but not a ton. Too cliché and ham-fisted for me. Mystery on the other hand encourages my inquisitive nature, much like speculative fiction does. One of my stories in Joy to the Worlds: Mysterious Speculative Fiction for the Holidays entitled “Ol’ St. Nick” is a closed-room mystery in space involving a mobster Santa. I enjoy taking the structure of whodunits and tossing it into a science fiction or fantasy setting. Lots of fun. Plus, who doesn’t love the idea of Santa as a mobster?


Who are your biggest writing influences?

Definitely Connie Willis, Neil Gaiman, Patrick Rothfuss, Melanie Rawn, and Anne Bishop. They write so succinctly and with such flair. They could write a phone book, and I’d buy it.


Who are your favorite authors and books?

My favorites include those names above—specifically American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Blackout and All Clear by Connie Willis, the Kingkiller Chronicle by Rothfuss, the Dragon Prince series by Melanie Rawn, and the Black Jewels series by Anne Bishop.


What is your preferred writing style?

Whatever style tells the story best. Yes, authors all have their own styles, but inside of those styles, voices and such shift depending upon the story one is telling. If I’m writing humorous space opera, my style is slightly different than when I’m writing epic or general fantasy.


How did figuring out what your preferred writing style was?

Discovering what my style was meant writing and writing and writing some more until I discovered it.


When did you get serious about your writing?

At sixteen. No, really. I wrote a 300 page novel in 6th grade, but that was for fun. When I was in high school, I began attending professional writing conferences and was involved in a critique group full of published and not-published adults who also wrote SF/F. I’ve known since I was very young that I wanted to be a writer. The only way to do that was to be serious about it, so I did. But a lot of what I wrote in high school was immature drivel, so I didn’t really begin writing as an adult for publication until about my late twenties.


What is your current novel?  Tell us a little bit about the premise?

I’m currently rewriting and revising Amaskan’s War, Book II in the Boahim Series. Book I, Amaskan’s Blood, came out in 2015. The best comparison I’ve ever received was from another author who said it was like “if George R. R. Martin wrote [Disney’s] Tangled,” which is an apt description for this fantasy novel. The main character (Adelei) is an Amaskan, a sort of holy assassin who protects the Little Dozen Kingdoms and its people. She’s a typical cocky 19-year-old who’s sent into the hands of the Amaskans’ worst enemy, her father. Lots of political intrigue, world-building without taking five pages to describe a table leg, and self-discovery.

But being about sci-fi, I’ll give you some tidbits on a space opera of mine called Class-M Exile. The main character, Eerl, is a Tersic (alien race) who studies extinct humans via old Earth videos, specifically westerns. He thinks everyone talks with a bad Texas drawl, so he talks like that too. Then he stumbles into a human and they go off on an adventure that teaches them both that nothing is as it seems. I really wanted to look at prejudice from a different perspective than the typical “humans good, aliens bad” angle. I’ve been told by many that it’s very Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker’s Guide) meets Firefly.

I’m also doing rewrites on the first in a space opera trilogy due out Winter 2017/2018 entitled The Eldest Silence, which is set in the same universe as Class-M Exile. It, too, deals with prejudice in space.


The Eldest Silence is part of a series, so where can we expect it to go?

It’s going to be a trilogy and like most things I write, it’ll be humorous with some darkness to it. The main character, Captain Kris Berstenfin, isn’t going to make it out of the war completely unscathed, but she’ll learn who she is and how to love in ways she never imagined.


Where did you find the inspiration for Class-M Exile?

When I was in middle school, I met a girl who was the complete antithesis of Texas (where I lived at the time). She was a feminist and liberal (both sins in the Bible belt) but also an atheist who played with tarot cards. She was the child of a single mother, who arrived at school amidst a car full of dogs and cats. Her first day of school, it was like a stampede of afraid kids as they reacted to this girl sporting tons of hair braids, pentacles, and hippie-style clothes. I like to tell people that this was a town where even the Catholics pretended to be Southern Baptists. You were either a church-goin’ Christian, or you were Satan himself. It didn’t take long for them to jump into bullying and harassing her. Ostracizing her. She became one of my best friends and introduced me to the world of science fiction and fantasy. I am the writer I am because of her, and I wanted to tell her story.


Your characters from Class-M Exile are sent into a gladiatorial death match. Who wins? 

Mel. She’s fiesty.


What do you listen to while you write? Or do you prefer silence? 

I have mood/setting-based playlists I created in iTunes made up of wordless songs. If it has words, I’ll sing along and not write. I mostly pull from movie or television scores. If I’m writing a sad scene, I’ll plop on my “sad writing” playlist, which is made up songs that evoke a sad emotion in me. Helps me write.


What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve looked up in the name of research – or what do you think the government has maybe flagged you for?

What haven’t I been flagged for? I’ve looked up how to poison someone and how that poison would react in zero-g and with no oxygen, how to fire a revolver and a pistol in an oxygen-less environment, medieval-era feminine hygiene products/methods, how to weave on the large looms of the 1800’s, and the difference between a bottlery and a buttlery.


What was your favorite part of writing Class-M Exile?

Eerl’s proclivity for bad American puns and how to get them wrong.


Which actor/actress would you like to see playing your main characters from Class-M Exile?

I know a lot of authors give this thought, but I haven’t! Eek! Um, Eerl’s a three-legged, multi-eyed, multi-nosed alien who always tells the truth, so I don’t know that it matters too much who plays him. Someone who can fake a bad Texas drawl. I’ve heard Keanu Reeves is hideous at a southern accent so maybe? For Mel, we’d need to go back in time as I’d want a really young Daryl Hannah.


Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured? 

I write full-time, so my entire day is filled with writing activities. I usually write on the current Work-In-Progress in the morning, then revise on another project in the afternoon. After I hit my word counts or page counts, the last thing I work on is promotion/marketing/social media.


Do you aim for a set number of words/pages per day?

I have a minimum of 1500 words per day in terms of writing. In terms of critiquing works for others or revising works, I tend to aim for two-hour’s work.


When you develop your characters, do you already have an idea of who they are before you write or do you let them develop as you go?

A mix of both. Some characters pop into my head completely formed, but sometimes I start writing and they have other ideas about who they are.


How did writing Class-M Exile differ from your writing your previous novels? 

I was at a writing workshop with Sci-Fi Grand Master Connie Willis and Chris Barzak, who wanted us to take a real life event and flip it on its head. I took that moment when my friend stepped out of the car and people fled, and turned it into the opening scene of Class-M Exile. The story grew from there, but it’s essentially my thoughts about how everyone is capable and guilty of prejudice. I would hope that people would look a little deeper at themselves and their own misconceptions and prejudices, to learn that we share more in common with “Them” or “Others” than we think. It was the first time I’d had someone I admire as an author encourage me to finish something I’d just started that day. It certainly lit a fire under me to do just that.


If Class-M Exile had a theme song what would it be?

Honestly, I can’t think of one particular song that fits the book, but I did listen to the Robin Hood: Princes of Thieves score a lot while writing it.


Amaskan’s Blood is full of many amazingly talented characters and I imagine it was really fun to create some of them, but which one was your favorite and why?

Definitely Adelei. Being an Amaskan, she’s trained in multiple forms of combat, but she also carries a belief set that reminds me of Buddhist monks. Because she’s nineteen, she has the flaws of youth while carrying a great weight on her shoulders. Flawed characters are the most well-rounded characters and the best to write. She’s so badass and yet so vulnerable.


What advice do you have for writers who are just starting out?

Find time to write every day. Even if it’s five minutes. Even if it’s via voice recordings on your phone while on the bus. Get in the habit of writing regularly and stick with it.

Also, write for yourself. Tell the stories you want to see in the world, the ones you want to read. If you write on the hopes of striking it rich or playing the market, you won’t be happy. If you’re not happy writing, your readers won’t be happy either.


I hope you enjoy this little conversation, and if you want to find out more about Raven Oak then follow the rabbit trail to their warren in the Internet!  If they don’t like it, beat ‘em with a carrot and keep on truckin’!


Raven Oak’s Social Media Platform:


Facebook Author Page





Goodreads Author Page

Amazon Author Page



Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!




–> As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are screen shots taken by JR Handley and used under the Fair Use Doctrine.

–> Some of these interview questions were inspired by my good friend TeacherofYA, and are used with her permission.  If you have kids who love to read, she’s the girl who’ll make the literary introductions!  You should check her out, after a lifetime of reading, your kids will thank you.



Marine Monday: Kaden Roy


Hey Space Cadets, how’s everyone doing today?  Things are great here, my new novelette No Marine Left Behind will be released on Amazon on the 29th.  I’ll be at RavenCon at the end of April if anyone is going to be around.  Not on any panels, I’ll just be a guest like you.  If you see me around, don’t be afraid to say hi or throw rotten tomatoes or something.


So on to our regularly scheduled Marine Monday! Today I was leaked, by our friendly neighborhood LegionLeak source, the official bio of Marine Kaden Roy.  Remember, destroy this message after reading it so the anonymous source can live long enough to continually feed us excellent intelligence!  Without further ado, here is the leaked document!


Kayden Roy 1Kaden Roy 2Kaden Roy 3


Hopefully you enjoyed this sneak peek into a certain special Marine’s official record.  If you did, stay tuned for next weeks as we anxiously wait for the latest documents smuggled our way!



Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!





–> As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are screen grabs taken by JR Handley for use under the Fair Use Doctrine.
