Free Books!!!!


Hello Space Cadets, how are you doing today?  I’m doing great, doing the punch list of my wife’s ‘Honey Do List,’ and working on Operation Breakout and various other things for boss man to help market The Legion Awakes and Fortress Beta City.  I wanted to finish Operation Breakout by Christmas Eve, but it clearly didn’t happen.  I’ve moved the deadline for myself to January 31, 2017 and hope that I won’t be cutting that one close.  I’ve also fallen in love with next series, which I’ll tentatively call The Odera Chronicles.  This series came out of the short story I wrote for the Roswell Anthology that I’ve talked about.  It’s currently with my editor, who is doing a quick look-through for me.  I know that prolific author Dean Wesley Smith teaches us that the world is waiting with baited breath for the release of the next big thing in military science fiction, the next big pulp author.  I hope my novels will fill that niche!  To tide you over, as a sort of appetizer to greatness, I wanted to tell you about an opportunity to help other science fiction authors. 


One of the up and coming small publishing houses, Space Dock, is seeking dedicated ARC readers.  An ARC is an advanced reader copy, and is given out by authors for reviews of their books.  These reviews are crucial for visibility, and writers live and die by them.  Good, bad or indifferent, just write the dang review!  Since Space Dock is out of the UK, they’d likely be sending out eBook copies, but for most of us that isn’t an issue.  If this sounds like something you’re interested in, click here.


Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!



–> As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are personally owned by Space Dock Publications.

Blog & Writing Update


Hello Space Cadets!!  In the coming weeks, I’ll be posting articles about the various parts of my writing process.  I plan on covering alien creation, foreign languages and character creation.  In addition, I’ll write about how I ‘invent’ new technologies and where I conduct my research.  There will be posts about resources I use, and mentors I’ve been lucky enough to have.  Now that my website is wrapping up, it is time to do all of the prep work for a smooth transition into my blog schedule.  I look forward to bringing you with me on this journey, and can’t wait to read your comments in the forthcoming posts. 


Now, as for a quick NaNoWriMo update!  I’ve been sucking it recently, life has been crazy and I’m way behind.  With two special needs kids, you just have to seize life by the… and carry on.  I grab words where I can and attend my local Hampton Roads NaNo Group’s Friday write-ins to catch up.  Yesterday I managed to crank out 900 words while I was there, not bad since I am working on a crappy laptop that isn’t comfortable for my sore hands.  This has convinced me to double down on my goals of learning to better use my Dragon software and lighten the load on my hands.  So, now that we’ve gotten here…. It is time for my word weigh-in and the judgement that will surely follow.  It is Day 12 and I’m sitting at 13,052 words.  I hope to finish the day at 17,000 words but that might just be a pipe dream.  I still have to take my son out clothes shopping, he’s outgrown everything he owns.  Ugh, not only is he EATING me out of house and home, now he’s growing like a weed.


Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!



—> As usual, the image I used today can be found under Google’s “labeled for reuse” section.