Marine Monday: Sangurian’s


Hey Space Cadets, how’re you all doing this fine Monday?  Here in the States it’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day so we’ve enjoyed the three-day weekend.  Played games with the kids, went for walks and enjoyed the nature around us.  I didn’t post a blog yesterday, and for that I’m sorry.  I had to get my computer fixed, and then got lost in the sauce working on Operation Breakout.  I really feel like you’re going to love this one, it has more action than the first two and we explore the culture of the Human Legion Universe even more.


Another quick update, there is an official Facebook page for fans of the Human Legion Universe.  Right now it’s new and only includes Tim C. Taylor, Corey the Editor and yours truly!  If you want to join, hop on over to the new page and start a conversation or two.  And speaking of hopping… let’s talk about rabbits.  No, seriously, today’s post is about the Sangurian species.  They’re humanoid rabbit warriors, who came close to annihilation after a failed revolution against their capricious White Knight Imperial Overlords.  Like in many cases, when you revolt and fail it goes badly for you and yours.  In this case, very badly.


Because I know you’d rather see how the sausage is made than hear me bloviate, here is a look at the Sangurians.  I have it on good authority from that mysterious LegionLeak warrior – these documents are true and were stolen from the deepest digital vaults.  Don’t believe me?  Take a look and see for yourself.  I even hired the best translators in the metaverse since I don’t read White Knight Imperial Standard.


 Also, in case you were curious about what I visualized when reading these purloined documents, I grabbed a screen shot from Google.  I own none of the rights to these, so I’m only showing you what you could see in the same search I made.  Hope it sparks some creative juices for everyone!  If you’ve got similar creatures in your works, or read of them, please start a conversation here or on the Facebook fan group.




Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!

brown_bess JR


–> As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are screen shots taken by JR Handley and used under the Fair Use Doctrine.

