Alive After the Reading – My Interview


Hey Space Cadets, how’re you doing today?  I’m good, working on a map for my next super-duper secret project and writing words.  I’m telling the story of how a soldier wins his nation’s highest medal for valor, and I’ve just gotten him to the enemy planet. Things have already gone wrong, bodies are piling up, and the action is intense. Because the ideas are flowing, I wanted to keep today’s blog short and to the point. I was recently interviewed by

Continue reading Alive After the Reading – My Interview

SciFy Shenanigans: Matthew Williams

Mark Williams.PNG

Hey Space Cadets, how’s everyone doing today?  I’m doing amazing, just drinking coffee and working on my updates to book 4.  Since not much else is going on – let’s get right to the point of my latest blog posting!  Yes, I still love doing author interviews!  I’m continually looking for more subjects for the Warrior Weekend Series, and the ‘SciFy Shenanigans’ series.  In this interview series, I specifically to talk with other authors of science fiction!  Here goes nothing!

Continue reading SciFy Shenanigans: Matthew Williams


Hey Space Cadets, how’re yall doing today?  I’m doing good, just took my son to the Children’s Museum of Portsmouth! He loved being able to touch science, and we followed that up with a nice brewery and a stroll along the waterfront. So besides having fun, I wanted to bring you some good news to share!  Two of my short stories were accepted into anthologies!  Wanna know more?  Let’s break it down!  Continue reading ANTHOLOGIES GALORE

Book Review: Dynamo (Mech Wars Book 2)


Hey Space Cadets, here is the next installment in my series of book reviews. As I’ve mentioned earlier, I’m a member of the TRMN. It’s a fan club for the Honor Harrington Universe by David Weber, and they do contests for their members all the time. There is a reading contest going on recently, and we get points for page reads. I’m thrilled that it prompted me to read more, as I’ve let writing get in the way of reading!  In addition to reading more this month, I’m working on the editorial revisions for book four of The Sleeping Legion Series.  Finally, if you haven’t read it, Operation Breakout is live! Continue reading Book Review: Dynamo (Mech Wars Book 2)

Book Review: Legionnaire (Galaxy’s Edge Book 1)

Hey Space Cadets, here is the next installment in my series of book reviews.  As I’ve mentioned earlier, I’m a member of the TRMN.  It’s a fan club for the Honor Harrington Universe by David Weber, and they do contests for their members all the time.  There is a reading contest currently going on, and we get for page reads.  I’m thrilled as it prompted me to read more, as I’ve let writing get in the way of reading.  In addition to reading more in the last few months, this month I’ve been working the editorial revisions for book four.  The final book of The Sleeping Legion Series.  Finally, if you haven’t read it, Operation Breakout is live!


But enough about me, onto this specific review.  Now let’s get to it! 

Continue reading Book Review: Legionnaire (Galaxy’s Edge Book 1)

Daily Exercise Podcast Time

JR ExercisingHey Space Cadets, how’re y’all doing this fine day?  I’m doing great, and cranking away on the revisions to book four! I’ve also been exercising every day to clear my mind, and hopefully maybe fit back into my uniform before the decade ends! Okay, maybe that last part was a pipe dream, but I’m okay with it!  Anyway, while I walk, I like to listen to podcasts and audiobooks.  I’ll give you a list of some of the podcasts I listen to, and some good audio books in another post!  Most of my podcasts are writing related, or historical in nature, so I can inundate myself with ideas to stir the stories.  Hopefully, these podcasts are helpful!

Continue reading Daily Exercise Podcast Time



 LegonnaireHey Space Cadets, I just want to bring you some news about a book sale!  I figured I’ll do these posts whenever a book I reviewed or loved is on sale.  Spreading the word about good books is just the kind of community I hope to build on this blog, so I’ll shout the good ones from the roof tops!  This time, I wanted to let you know that a book I recently reviewed, Powered by Scott Bartlett, is on sale.  It has dropped from USD 2.99 to USD 0.99, quite the bargain!  Scott’s special sale is to celebrate the launch of the third book in this series, Meltdown, so I figured it was worth mentioning!!  Speaking of the new books, the third book in the series is ALSO on sale for $0.99 for a short while so check out the series! Continue reading BOOK SALE!!!


 Hello, Space Cadets! Today, I wanted to introduce you to another author from my WARRIOR WEEKEND INTERVIEW SERIES. Kyle is an Air Force Veteran, a husband, father, a student, and now an Author. When he isn’t slaving away at the keyboard creating fantasy worlds. You can usually find him reading a good book at the pool with his kids, or working on the next short fiction piece for his portfolio. When Kyle got out of the military, he moved from New Jersey to Florida in the hope he would never see snow again. Never one to settle for okay when he could be exceptional, he began attending Full Sail University to gain an MFA in Creative Writing. His hobbies include reading, writing, and getting walked by his German shepherd Eddy all over the neighborhood in the wee hours of the night. Recently Kyle had a flash fiction piece accepted to Down in the Dirt Magazine, the piece will be featured in the Jan 2018 issue of the Magazine.



Tranquility 4JR HandleyHey Space Cadets, how’re ya’ll doing on this fine day?  I’m doing great, working hard on edits for a short story and book four!  I’m excited to see how the story ends before moving on to the next project. During this time, when I don’t have deadlines beating me about the head and shoulders, I took some family time.  Took my bride on the date to Red Lobster, killed my diet and one meal, and generally have been having a blast! Okay, I know that some people might suggest that it’s a little low rent, but chain restaurants are budget friendly. Maybe if the next book sells like hotcakes, I’ll try a “real” seafood place.  I’m told that I’m a bad representation of the Tidewater Region of Virginia because I’ve never had lobster.  Eventually, I will fix this, but only after we keep the power on! Continue reading FAMILY TIME

WARRIOR WEEKEND: Sandra J. Yearman

Hello, Space Cadets! Today, I wanted to introduce you to another author from my WARRIOR WEEKEND INTERVIEW SERIES.  I am knee deep in rewrites on book four of my Sleeping Legion series.  I really hate all that red ink.  Other than that all is moving along well in my life.  They figured out most of what was up with my wife – now they just have to figure out the treatment.  The only other thing on the agenda is to take my son out tomorrow to see the eclipse – since I have nothing else to add lets talk about today’s featured veteran.  We are talking to author Sandra J. Yearman.

Sandra YearmanSandra J Yearman is a native of Wisconsin, where she currently resides. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism. Sandra was a member of the United States Army Reserves for over twenty years. She retired from the Dane County Sheriff’s Office in Madison Wisconsin as a sergeant.
Sandra is a cancer survivor. And it is on this journey that she says she found her voice and began to write. She established Seraphim Publishing LLC in 2008. Sandra has spent decades supporting and working with rescued domestic animals.

Continue reading WARRIOR WEEKEND: Sandra J. Yearman