MOAR Tales of Sales


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Hey Space Cadets, how’re y’all doing today? I wanted to share another blog post where I mention some amazing sales for your burgeoning TBR List. These titles are one’s worth checking out, books I own myself. I haven’t read all of them, but they piqued my interest enough to buy them! As usual, please be kind and speak your mind on the reviewing platforms if you check out the books! Seriously, GoodReads and Amazon have spaces where you can shout your thoughts to the world! Continue reading MOAR Tales of Sales

Title: Tales of Sales, Day 2

Hey Space Cadets, I hope you’re having an awesome day! I’m doing great and have some amazing news to share with you! My anthology, Backblast Area Clear, A Mil SF Anthology, is on sale for $0.99. It’s a countdown deal, so get it while it’s hot because this price won’t last long! Continue reading Title: Tales of Sales, Day 2