TV Series Review: Stargate Atlantis

Hey Space Cadets, how’re you doing? I’m doing good, I’ve been enjoying my summer with my sons and walking around the lake near my house. Okay, it’s a city drainage pond, but that doesn’t sound like something Walden would approve of, now does it?  I mean, you wouldn’t want Henry or Ralph mad at you, would you? Okay, jokes aside… I’ve been writing and stacking books for the publishing stuff, and I have some stuff with publishers. And finally, I’ve been binge watching science fiction series with my sons. More specifically, the five seasons of Stargate Atlantis. Continue reading TV Series Review: Stargate Atlantis

Reading Books For Fun

Outer Space HeaderHey Space Cadets, how are you doing? I’m doing amazing and wanted to post another blog updating you on my comings and goings. I’m cranking away on my writing and hope to be able to share more with you soon. The co-author and I are playing with methods of kicking our speed up a notch and I’m getting back into the swing of exercising again. Continue reading Reading Books For Fun

Book Review: Red Rabbit Presents #1: Science Fiction for the People Issue!

Outer Space HeaderHey Space Cadets, how’re you doing?  I’m good, trying not to die from this stomach bug. I’m still writing, but I’ve also spent a lot more time reading this summer and wanted to share what I have enjoyed lately. Here is the next installment in my series of book reviews. This review was also a discussion on the Sci-Fi Shenanigans Podcast, so watch for that to drop. My co-host will also be writing a blog with his thoughts on this collection, which I will share here as well. It should be fun to see two different reactions to the same stories. Continue reading Book Review: Red Rabbit Presents #1: Science Fiction for the People Issue!

Book Review: Team Yankee

Hey Space Cadets, here is the next installment in my series of book reviews. I’ve been busy with life, but I am hoping I can hit the ground running once the summer is over and I can throw my kids at the public school system!  I’ve got a few open projects, but Chris Winder and I are whittling that pile down! I hope to get back to publishing novels soon. I’ve been reading the stories submitted to the anthology I’m hosting, and wow there are some good ones!  I can’t wait to get that to you this December!!  Finally, if you don’t listen to our podcast, you should check it out!  We’ve had some fun guests whom I’m sure you’ll love listening too! But enough about me, let’s get to this review! Continue reading Book Review: Team Yankee

Book Review: We Happy Few

SpaceHey Space Cadets, here is the next installment in my series of book reviews. I’ve been busy with life, but I am hoping I can hit the ground running once the summer is over and I can throw my kids at the public school system! I’ve got a few open projects, and I hope to get back to publishing novels soon. I’m debating whether or not to hold off releasing novels for the rapid release strategy model of marketing. Finally, if I didn’t mention it, my story was accepted for the next Four Horsemen Anthology. Continue reading Book Review: We Happy Few