Title: Tales of Sales, Day 4

Hey Space Cadets, I hope you’re having an awesome day! I’m doing great, I should have some new releases coming in the not-too-distant future. In the meantime, I thought I would start the new year off with a week of posts highlighting various books that are on sale for the low – low price of $0.99 USD. Some of these books were already $0.99, but I liked them and decided to share. Others, however, are books whose sales I coordinated with the author to get these sales for you! I hope you like these books but check them out now if you’re interested because these low prices won’t last forever! Continue reading Title: Tales of Sales, Day 4

Title: Tales of Sales, Day 3

Hey Space Cadets, I hope you’re having an awesome day! I’m doing great, I should have some new releases coming in the not-too-distant future. In the meantime, I thought I would start the new year off with a week of posts highlighting various books that are on sale for the low – low price of $0.99 USD. Some of these books were already $0.99, but I liked them and decided to share. Others, however, are books whose sales I coordinated with the author to get these sales for you! I hope you like these books but check them out now if you’re interested because these low prices won’t last forever! Continue reading Title: Tales of Sales, Day 3

Smokin’ Hot Book Sales


Hey Space Cadets, I just wanted to share another blog recommending some good stories with you! All of these are listed at $0.99 USD, so get them now while they’re still on sale. While I own all of them, I haven’t gotten around to reading them all. But I vet before I buy, thanks to the sample feature on Amazon. I thought they we’re all worth my money, so I’m happily recommending them to you!

Continue reading Smokin’ Hot Book Sales

Book Review: The Expanding Universe, Volume 4 Part 2

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Hey Space Cadets, how’re you doing?  I’m sorry for the delay in posting the second half of this review – our house has been hit with that nasty cold virus going around our area. I’ve still managed to get some writing done. Here is the second half of my last book review. This review was also a discussion on the Sci-Fi Shenanigans Podcast, which has already dropped. I’ve reviewed a few short stories here that didn’t make it onto the podcast. If my co-host also writes a blog with his thoughts on this collection, I will share here as well. It should be fun to see two different reactions to the same stories.

But enough dallying, on to the review!  Continue reading Book Review: The Expanding Universe, Volume 4 Part 2

Book Review: The Expanding Universe, Volume 4

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Hey Space Cadets, how’re you doing?  I’m good, busy with the usual shenanigans of life. My oldest, who is 11, is telling me he is a pre-teen. Clearly a lie, I am NOT old enough for that so there must be some computing error. I’m still writing, with some publications coming out in the coming months. I’ve determined that I’m too slow of an author with too crazy a life for the churn model Amazon favors, so I will just publish and hope for the best. I’ve been writing more book reviews lately, as you’ve seen and wanted to share what I recently finished. Here is the next installment in my series of book reviews. This review was also a discussion on the Sci-Fi Shenanigans Podcast, which has already dropped. I’ve reviewed a few short stories here that didn’t make it onto the podcast. If my co-host also writes a blog with his thoughts on this collection, I will share here as well. It should be fun to see two different reactions to the same stories.

But enough dallying, on to the review!  Continue reading Book Review: The Expanding Universe, Volume 4

Reading Books For Fun

Outer Space HeaderHey Space Cadets, how are you doing? I’m doing amazing and wanted to post another blog updating you on my comings and goings. I’m cranking away on my writing and hope to be able to share more with you soon. The co-author and I are playing with methods of kicking our speed up a notch and I’m getting back into the swing of exercising again. Continue reading Reading Books For Fun

Sales and other nice things!

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GrassHey Space Cadets, I hope life finds you well!  I am doing good, preparing for my wife’s surgery next month and trying to write every day.  The good news, the surgeon thinks she will recover quickly and be back to where she was before the car accident last year!  Then it’s back to the races. I still have my Order of the Centurion book in the Galaxy’s Edge Universe tentatively scheduled for late fall and I submitted a short story in the next Four Horsemen Universe anthology in September. I should find out if it was accepted soon, and I’ll let you know! I’ll have additional writing announcements soon, as a certain project is nearing a date with an editing guru! Continue reading Sales and other nice things!

Cyber Monday Sales


Hey Space Cadets, how are you guys enjoying your Cyber Monday?  I’m fine, spending time with my family and writing.  I wanted to share some awesome deals with you, in honor of the Day of Epic Interwebs Sales! Hopefully, you manage to find your special deals, without ending up in some Dickens Novel poor house! Continue reading Cyber Monday Sales

Beyond the Shenanigans: Felix R Savage


Hey, Space Cadets, how are you doing this fine day?  I’m doing great, had an awesome walk and trying to get back into the routine of healthy living. Hopefully, life cooperates so I can continue my exercise routine, but ultimately family first.  I’m at chapter 80 of 88 with book four, which doesn’t yet have a name.  I intentionally keep my wife and kids in the backdrop, since they deserve their privacy and anonymity.  However, if you’ve read this blog you’ll know that my wife is recovering from a car accident and my son is having a tough go of it. I know this book should’ve been finished two months ago, but I trust you’ll forgive my tardiness. Continue reading Beyond the Shenanigans: Felix R Savage



Hey Space Cadets, how’re y’all doing today?  I’m doing good, just took my son to the Farmers Market! He loved learning about gardening.

Now to get to the point!  FOR A FEW CREDITS MORE is out!!!  Be sure to get your copy!  I am really excited about this Anthology – it is the first one I have been in!