Tales of Sales: Storming Area 51, A Bayonet Books Anthology

Hey, Space Cadets, you stalwart survivors of social distancing and cabin fever! I hope you’re still surviving this quarantine.  How’s homeschooling going?  As for us, it sucks – there is a reason I’m not a teacher. But enough about that, today I’m hiding from the kids to pass on some literary escapism. I’m taking this non-sanctioned break to tell you about an amazing sale.  Storming Area 51 is on sale from April 24th through May 1st, it starts at $.99 and works back to the regular price. The sooner you buy, the cheaper it is.  I hope you all enjoy.


Continue reading Tales of Sales: Storming Area 51, A Bayonet Books Anthology

The Quarantine Blues

Don’t let the quarantine get you down!

Does the news have you convinced that we’ve approached the end times? Are you worried that you’re living in a post-apocalyptic nightmare occurring in slow-motion? Well, luckily for you, I consulted my Magic 8-Ball, and we’ll be fine until the aliens come to recruit us for their intergalactic war! Continue reading The Quarantine Blues

New Release: From the Ashes – A Bayonet Books Anthology Book 3

Hey Space Cadets, how are you all doing? I’m doing great, especially since I can tell you about a new release! I have a new anthology out!!!  I can’t wait to get everyone’s reaction to these stories. Continue reading New Release: From the Ashes – A Bayonet Books Anthology Book 3