No Marine Left Behind


Hey Space Cadets, how are you guys doing?  I’m doing great, we found out from Podium Publishing that our narrator for the Sleeping Legion Series will be Jeffrey Kafer.  He’ll be recording them this summer, but since this is my first novel to become an audio book I don’t have any idea of the turn around.  I know there is likely some audio editing that has to happen, so when I know more I’ll share.  Also, Operation Breakout is now back from the editors so the timeline for final publication is fast approaching.  Finally, the novelette No Marine Left Behind is for sale on Amazon!





Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!




–> As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are screen grabs taken by JR Handley for use under the Fair Use Doctrine.




Exciting news!!!!!

I’m lifting my head above the writing and publishing trenches for a few moments to share some exciting news about an imminent new Sleeping Legion book launch, a new audiobook deal, and more. If you follow JR Handley’s blog, you’ll already know about a novellete he’s been working on called No Marine Left Behind. Well,…

via No Marine Left Behind: a new Sleeping Legion novelette — The Human Legion