Tales of Sales: Sleeping Legion

Hey, you beautiful Space Cadets! I wanted to take a break from writing my new series, The Cyborg Corps, to let you know about this fantastic steal of a deal! My series, The Sleeping Legion, is currently on sale. If you haven’t read them, now would be a good time to buy!

Continue reading Tales of Sales: Sleeping Legion

Cadences & Chants Galore

Hello Space Cadet, today I wanted to muse about some parts of my time in the Big Green Weenie.  It inspired this post, as I tackle the role that cadences and martial music in the development of military culture and Continue reading Cadences & Chants Galore

Sales and other nice things!

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GrassHey Space Cadets, I hope life finds you well!  I am doing good, preparing for my wife’s surgery next month and trying to write every day.  The good news, the surgeon thinks she will recover quickly and be back to where she was before the car accident last year!  Then it’s back to the races. I still have my Order of the Centurion book in the Galaxy’s Edge Universe tentatively scheduled for late fall and I submitted a short story in the next Four Horsemen Universe anthology in September. I should find out if it was accepted soon, and I’ll let you know! I’ll have additional writing announcements soon, as a certain project is nearing a date with an editing guru! Continue reading Sales and other nice things!

Book 4 Updates

Hello Space Cadets! I just wanted to give you an update on where we are in the process for Book 4. First, the title has been decided!!  We chose Insurgency: Spartika for the official name, so I can stop calling it “Book 4!”  And to make things better, it looks like the final book in The Sleeping Legion will be coming out this month! But what sort of reveal would this be if I didn’t give you peek at the new cover? Continue reading Book 4 Updates

Transitioning Projects


Hey Space Cadets, how’re y’all doing today?  I’m doing great, working on a few small projects and prepping to start my next series. While I wait for the editor to take his Red Pen of Doom to my final Sleeping Legion novel, I’ve started outlining several smaller projects and tying up loose ends. I’ve got two short stories for different anthologies to write and then I’ll start on my next series.  I really like the premise of the series in question, and think it has a lot of potential but more on that in another blog! Continue reading Transitioning Projects

The Sleeping Legion is Awake!!

JR HandleyHey Space Cadets!  Today I get to make the happy announcement – I finished the fourth and final book of the Sleeping Legion Series! I sent it to Boss Man and my editor on July 12th, and I couldn’t be happier.  This book will link the Sleeping Legion back into the main body of the Human Legion, though I can’t say more than that upon pain of death from Boss Man!  Surprisingly, I feel a little sad that it’s all over. I’ve been with these characters, and this universe, since I signed the contract with Boss Man in August 2015.  If the audience wants it enough, there will be the follow-on series, The Sleeping Fleet, but that one is up in the air at the moment.  I guess you could say the Sleeping Legion is now awake?  Anyway, I’ll be working on the edits, finalizing the name and cover, before moving on to the next project. More about that to come!

Continue reading The Sleeping Legion is Awake!!

Overview of the Writing Retreat

JR HandleyHey Space Cadets!  I just got back from my Writer’s Retreat – had to get away so I could get a handle on getting Book Four done.   It has been an interesting experience – five days with no children asking me questions or screaming in the background.  No wife with a honey do list.  It was almost to quiet – wait, is there a to quiet?  Well let’s get to it.

DAY ONE:  This was a very rough day, only 1,394 words written. The trip to getting here was long, and the traffic was horrendous. It made the drive to the hotel Writing Retreat Day Onesomewhat more stressful than it should’ve been. The hotel room wasn’t the nicest, so I had to wait an hour for the maintenance people to fix the AC and turn the hotbox into a hotel room.  It didn’t stop me from writing, but it slowed me down.  Finally, to fix parts of the strategy I had to research HALO and HAHO drops by the US Army so I knew what we were capable of now.  I tend to use modern tech as the base line from which I extrapolate my future tech.  Also, I compiled a document for Boss Man on what assets would be joining the main body of the Human Legion on the final battle for Earth.  The close of the Sleeping Legion story will link back up with his last book in the Human Legion Series.  I love it when a plan comes together! Continue reading Overview of the Writing Retreat

Sleeping Legion SWAG


Hey Space Cadets, how’re you doing today?  I am currently on a writing retreat – trying to get the forth book finished.  So far so good!  I just wanted to take a minute to remind all of you good folks about  The Sleeping Legion SWAG!  Boss Man designed some excellent coffee cups for you to enjoy your coffee or grok!  Or both together, we here in the Handley Trenches don’t judge. Okay, maybe a little… I mean we can’t tolerate people putting pineapples on perfectly good pizzas! A man has to have standards.

  Continue reading Sleeping Legion SWAG



Hey Space Cadets, how are you doing this fine Sunday?  I’m doing good, working on my next novel so I wanted to recommend some good books to hold you over in the mean time!  First – if you haven’t read my books – The Legion Awakes series – you might want to read them before the next book comes out!  I know, I know, but if I don’t advertise for myself who will?  Then a few anthologies, some series I love and random recommendations!  Check them out, and as always, remember to leave an honest review!



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$2.99 USD on Amazon


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$3.99 USD on Amazon

Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry.



–>As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are videos used by JR Handley for use under fair doctrine.

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Marine Monday: Spartika


Hey Space Cadets, how are you this fine Monday?  I’m doing better, slowly getting my word counts back to where they were before I took a month off to take care of my wife after her car accident.  Thank you to every one of you kind souls who asked after her health, I’m pleased to say the physical therapy is working and she is doing better.  She still has some residuals from the concussion, but the doctors are happy with how she is progressing.  Our parents and I joined in to insist that she take the summer off of college, so hopefully we can ensure a full recovery.  Now that things are back on track, I’ll be setting my target goal for when book four and five will be done.  I’ve charted out my path going forward, and I know where the series will end which is huge for me!  I can’t wait to share that with you, bringing you along for the ride.


Now, what comes next for me?  Well, I’ve planned a series I’ll be writing after I finish the Sleeping Legion Series, and a contract for it has been signed with a small press.  I can’t tell you any more right now, but there will continue to be more shenanigans escaping my piehole and infesting your brain buckets!


Okay, so on to our regularly scheduled Marine Monday! Today I was leaked, by our friendly neighborhood LegionLeak source, the official bio of Marine Spartika.  If that name sounds familiar, it’s because she once strode the pages of the main Human Legion Series.  It’s been hard for her, she’s loved and lost and been enslaved.  Her friends have died in front of her, and she survived torture, but through charisma and the sheer force of her will she endures and overcomes.  If you’re intrigued, then on to the important parts!  Remember, destroy this message after reading it so the anonymous source can live long enough to continue feeding us excellent intelligence!  Without further ado, here is the leaked document!


Spartika 1Spartika 2


Hopefully you enjoyed this sneak peek into our favorite Marines official record.  If you did, stay tuned for next week as we anxiously wait for the latest documents smuggled our way!



Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!




 –> As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are screen grabs taken by JR Handley for use under the Fair Use Doctrine.
