Tales of Sales: Storming Area 51, A Bayonet Books Anthology

Hey, Space Cadets, you stalwart survivors of social distancing and cabin fever! I hope you’re still surviving this quarantine.  How’s homeschooling going?  As for us, it sucks – there is a reason I’m not a teacher. But enough about that, today I’m hiding from the kids to pass on some literary escapism. I’m taking this non-sanctioned break to tell you about an amazing sale.  Storming Area 51 is on sale from April 24th through May 1st, it starts at $.99 and works back to the regular price. The sooner you buy, the cheaper it is.  I hope you all enjoy.


Continue reading Tales of Sales: Storming Area 51, A Bayonet Books Anthology

Breach Team Sale

Hey Space Cadets!  How are you surviving the virus? We are surviving the virus – don’t know about the homeschooling the kids – that I just might not survive.  Anywho, on to more interesting things. Continue reading Breach Team Sale

Sci-Fi & Fantasy 99 cent Book Bonanza

Hey there Space Cadets! I’m continuing to work on my Cyborg Corps books.  I wanted to take a few minutes to let you know that my book BREACH TEAM is on sale for $.99.  Not only that – there are Continue reading Sci-Fi & Fantasy 99 cent Book Bonanza

Tales of Sales: Breach Team

Hey there Space Cadets! I’m still working on my Cyborg Corps books, the first of which is currently at 40K words.  I wanted to take time out to let you know that my book BREACH TEAM is on sale starting today for $.99.  This sale only lasts for about 24 hours, then will go up incrementally.  So… if you haven’t already bought my book,,, now would be a great time to do so!  Anyway, check it out. Continue reading Tales of Sales: Breach Team

Tales of Sales

Outer Space Header

Hey Space Cadets, how’re y’all doing today? I wanted to share another blog post where I mention some amazing sales for your burgeoning TBR List. These titles are ones worth checking out, books I own myself. I haven’t read all of them, but they piqued my interest enough to buy them! As usual, please be kind and speak your mind on the reviewing platforms if you check out the books! Seriously, GoodReads and Amazon have spaces where you can shout your thoughts to the world!

Word of Warning: These sales are too good to last forever, so act now before it’s too late!


Dropship: A Near Future Thriller (Forsaken Mercenary Series) by Jonathan Yanez

$0.99 USD


Absolution: A Near Future Thriller (Forsaken Mercenary Series) by Jonathan Yanez

$0.99 USD


Fury: A Near Future Thriller (Forsaken Mercenary Series) by Jonathan Yanez

$0.99 USD


Spacers by Scott Bartlett

$0.99 USD


Resistance (Black Talon Series) by Chris Winder

$0.99 USD


Liberty Station (The Humanity Unlimited Saga) by Terry Mixon

$0.99 USD


Shockwave (Star Kingdom Series, Bk1) by Lindsay Buroker

$0.99 USD


Wholesale Slaughter: (Wholesale Slaughter Book 1) by Rick Partlow

$0.99 USD


Horizons Beyond: A Keystroke Medium Anthology

$0.99 USD


Fire At Will: A Space Opera Adventure (Far Beyond Book 1) by Christian Kallias

$0.99 USD


The Magitech Chronicles Quadrilogy by Chris Fox

$0.99 USD


Rumors of War (Cadicle Vol. 1-3): An Epic Space Opera Series by A.K. DuBoff

$0.99 USD


Rise Of Mankind: The Complete Series (Books 1-10) by John Walker

$0.99 USD


The Vigilante Chronicles Omnibus by Michael Anderle & Natalie Grey

$0.99 USD

Renegade Star by JN Chaney

$0.99 USD


Animas Boxed Set (Books 1-4) by Michael Anderle & Joshua Anderle

$0.99 USD


Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!



->As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are screen grabs taken by JR Handley for use under the Fair Use Doctrine.


New Release: Vacuums Suck Hard! Adventures of USS Big Stick

Hey Space Cadets, how are you all doing? I’m doing great, especially since I can tell you about a new release! I’ve co-written a comedic space opera with Chris Winder, a project that was a lot of fun to write.

Vacuums Suck Hard! The Adventures of USS Big Stick

Vacuums Suck Hard!  Adventures of the USS Big Stick

What could possibly go wrong?

Gunnery Sergeant John Doe is frustrated. He didn’t join the Space Corps to be shuttled around in a ship. He joined to fight. The only real action he’s seen so far have been a few small skirmishes. Bad guys died. The good guys won. Just a typical day.

For years he’s been itching for a big fight. Something he can use to impress his junior Space Marines. Something that’ll help him pick-up chicks. Something that might put him in some real danger. He gets excited just thinking about the possibilities. He’s hoping this tour aboard his ship, The Big Stick, will be different.

After defeating a long-time enemy, the Space Federation decided another war was just what the people needed. One was intentional. Two were not. Either way, Gunny was excited.

Yet there he was, stuck on a ship performing patrols in a quiet area of space, and bored almost to tears. Until that is, the area became anything but quiet.

Now Gunny and the rest of the ship’s crew have to fight for their lives against an enemy none of them expected to see.


Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry.



–>As usual, all images came from Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are videos used by JR Handley for use under fair doctrine.

Title: Tales of Sales, Day 2

Hey Space Cadets, I hope you’re having an awesome day! I’m doing great and have some amazing news to share with you! My anthology, Backblast Area Clear, A Mil SF Anthology, is on sale for $0.99. It’s a countdown deal, so get it while it’s hot because this price won’t last long! Continue reading Title: Tales of Sales, Day 2

Book Review: Red Rabbit Presents #1: Science Fiction for the People Issue!

Outer Space HeaderHey Space Cadets, how’re you doing?  I’m good, trying not to die from this stomach bug. I’m still writing, but I’ve also spent a lot more time reading this summer and wanted to share what I have enjoyed lately. Here is the next installment in my series of book reviews. This review was also a discussion on the Sci-Fi Shenanigans Podcast, so watch for that to drop. My co-host will also be writing a blog with his thoughts on this collection, which I will share here as well. It should be fun to see two different reactions to the same stories. Continue reading Book Review: Red Rabbit Presents #1: Science Fiction for the People Issue!

Movie Review: HALO 4: Forward Unto Dawn

Hey Space Cadets, here is the first installment in a new series of science fiction movie reviews. Being snowed in early January gave me time to watch new movies, eat some popcorn and just enjoy my family. I’m still writing, and I’ll have more news on that soon. I’ve started recording my new Sci-Fi Shenanigans Podcast with my friend Chris Winder, and episode two recently went live. In addition to more family time, I’ve fought off the cabin fever by writing more and shoveled snow.  In case you missed it, The Sleeping Legion Series has wrapped up and you can buy it on Amazon. The final audio book for Insurgency: Spartika is in the works, and then you can enjoy every one of my stories in audio book, paperback, or eBook!

Continue reading Movie Review: HALO 4: Forward Unto Dawn

Sci-Fi Shenanigans Podcast

Podcast Art 2


Hey Space Cadets, how is everyone doing today?  I’m good and wanted to bring you an update!  I’m slogging through the editing of the super-duper secret project I finished in December and have added about 10k words to the length. It’s sitting at about 60k now and will probably end around 65k to 70k when I’m done. I’m not sure when the publisher will make an announcement, but I’ll keep you posted the moment I can!  I’m also fighting through my wife’s health issues, taking her to her doctors and the like. It’s a time suck because she can’t drive, and we don’t live in a mass transit region.  We’ll figure out our new rhythm eventually, and my production speed will improve. But enough depressing crap, let’s talk about some fun stuff! I recently started a podcast with my friend Chris Winder all about the worlds of written science fiction!  Check it out, you might enjoy it!


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How to Find Podcast

Website: www.sfshenanigans.com

Twitter: @SFS_Show

Email: podcast@sfshenanigans.com

Episode One



Until next time, stay frosty and don’t forget to keep your powder dry!




–> As usual, all images came from the Google’s “labeled for reuse” section or are used on the Fair Use Doctrine.